

scientific name:

Hippoglossus hippoglossus

MCS Sustainability Rating:

MCS Rating What's this?

Origin/capture area:

Shetland, North Sea

The Marine Conservation Society has developed a system to help consumers choose the most environmentally sustainable fish. Fish to Eat are rated 1 and 2, Ratings 3 and 4 mean don’t eat too often. Fish to consider avoiding are rated 5.


Halibut is the largest of the flat fish. It has a compressed oval body with a large mouth. Its upper surface is a uniformly dark chocolate, olive or slate colour, and can be almost black; the underside is pale. Younger, smaller fish (1-3kg) are known as baby or chick halibut and are paler with more mottled colouration.  The diet of the Atlantic halibut consists mainly of other fish, cephalopods, large crustaceans and other seabed dwelling organisms.

Product Types

Fillets - Fresh

Box weight: 10Kg

  • 1 - 2Kg
  • 2 - 3Kg
  • 3 - 4Kg
  • 4 - 5Kg
  • 5 - 6Kg
  • 6Kg+